This is a video I recored of Olafur Eliasson work 'Yellow versus Purple' in the Tate.  

ARTIST -Olafur Eliasson 
Fist cam across this artist in the Tate with his study of colour and light. Mt tutor also gave me his name to research, I'm interested in his work which directly study the building and play with the natural light that plays to the building.
Over the next year I want to experiment with work that directly responds to the site (looking at the light and architecture).  

Experimenting with perspex, seeing if it still achieves the glow if you etch into the surface. Some food for thought for my experiments with light and place. Time specific, only achieve the glow if the sunlight lights it in the right place. 

I joined myself into an Illustration and graphics class to learn riso printing. 
The basics- it a photocopy machine, don't need to create specific files on photoshop. With each photocopy - equals one screen to print with. Only 6 choices of colour. 
I played with collaging images to create textured compositions, so i could how much the photocopier picks up- it is quick dense the print. 
Kreider & O'leary 
There work is about exploring sense of place with the physical as well as with words. They did a work about the audience having to walk through mud to enter a space and so there foot prints start to become part of the space. There was a similar work found in Copenhagen - the room was filed with a dusty/ chalky matter. 
All these works are intriguing me about the audience being able to engage with the work. 
ARTIST - Tony Oursler 
This work captured my as it played with projecting onto a surface which distorted the first image of it and played with shadows to be incorporated into the work. This gave me some ideas for my 'Nothing With Nothing' project - about projecting onto surfaces and looking at windows. 
Books from library 
Most the books are about looking at how to record space and thinking about how we define areas and our linking to places.

Constructing Worlds - Photography and architecture in the modern age - 779.4 PAR
North & South - 709.22
Reconstructing space - architecture in recent german photography - 779.4 REC
Frank Lloyd Wright & the Johnson Wax - 725.23 LIP
The Skys the Limit - 724.7
Architecture as Photography : Document, Publicity, Commentary, Art by David Company 
Lost Futures - owen hopkins - 720.941 HOP
Japanese House - Architecture 728.092 JAP
Nomad - 720.44 NEW
Experimenting with photography 
Lumen printing - happy accident - want to explore with finding what light and length of light creates certain colours . At the moment when developing the images, there colour fades and turns brown. Thinking about live photography - Pin hole- creating a space where the audience see the developing happening live - or there own marks can be captured n these photo papers. 

Found these interesting experiments where people have played with polaroid images 
From works playing and discovering with capturing the mundane in 'Nothing with `nothing', this video is a recording of a reflection in the window of a bus whilst in London. 
Workshop Classes 
With the project Nothing With Nothing I have learnt new skills, mainly in technology. I signed myself up to laser cut, premier pro and projection mapping to help me develop in the project. 
Life Drawing class
Thinking of alternative ways in my recording - Played with using my coloured tape to out line the body - same colours and pattern of the mattress she way laying on. 
From my discovery of Lumen Printing, I decided to have a play with pin hole photography. I created a pin hole box learning from tutorials online; used a shoebox, painted it black (block sun), and made the pin hole by piercing a piece of aluminium with a needle. 
More experiments with lumen printing; sunny day, direct sunlight, 30 minutes. 

I splashed water over the paper as it was developing in the sunlight, the water marks turned pink. 

Stared to notice how to box captured and distorted the shadows. Could make loads of box's and set them in outside setting to capture the natural shadows that occur. 

The material distorts the light into this diamond effect. 

Visit to Sydney Cooper Gallery
I liked the range of mediums used in the works to create different effects. 
Another artist which is becoming more of an interest to me is Es Devlin. Her work is all about transforming a space and playing with light and projections. 

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