With moving to a new studio space in year 3, it has opened my eyes into wanting to explore the space that I inhabit. My practice and critical context are in coherent with each other as they both explore responding to space and with this connection it has enabled me to keep bouncing off ideas and explore more as an artist.
This shard of light has been the spark of my exploration this year, with playing in different mediums to explore how to manipulate and document this light movement.
The light that cuts across my space is active between the time of 10-2.30, then after that it becomes 2 solid rectangles of light that then move across to the right, with the sun slowly loosing its intensity around 4.
My space is in a constant state of flux with the light interfering and with my many explorations of the space I create new compositions of my work. This works alongside my interest in curating and installation art.
This image shows the light movement; it has gone across my wall, hit the back wall and then moved right and now hits it the intersection wall. I like how the two sections of light are framed in a cinematic way, look like two projectors on the wall. The colour of light at this time of day is very pleasuring.
The subtle tree movements playing with in the two frames.
Feels cinematic with the compositions of these light rays.
I have been interested in the qualities of neon perspex, how it can shine like a light with out any electricity, just it natural form. I wanted to play with the idea of creating these sculpture pieces that fit within the light source and glow when the light hits them. This perspex was clear neon and didn't quite glow. I also played with perspex light rod, in wanting to fill the space with slices of the tube which would then light up, but worked out that it needs to length to create a brighter light at the cut surface.
Experimenting with different length rods to see what is the minimum length the rod can be at to still glow. I added the photo of hallway in uni as the circular globe of light reminded me of the circular end of the rod.
I was wanting to slice the rods into little piece which i would then fir into the shape which i have recorded of the sun light. This would be a time based piece; play with temporality with the wall only lighting up for a particular moment in time.
I wasn't happy with the lengths as i wanted it to be flush to the wall. Surprisingly I was intrigued with the shadow play from the rods, acting somewhat like a sun dial. Could experiment more with this. The shadow acting like a print on the wall.
Vera Rohm
An artist who explores with time based work and exploring the space of an exhibition.
The Exhibition Crit
My idea to cut the perspex into strips allows me the freedom of placing them with in any light shard that appears in the building. For my first exhibition crit, we were in the space outside the kirk and there is always a segment of light that forms in this area which catches my eye.
I placed my work within the light shards and through out the crit the light moved its way around, creating new compositions.
Reoccurring Themes
The oblong shape which I have gathered information from the cable tray has been a shape that featured in my previous works last year in the project 'Nothing from Nothing'.
Textures, patterns, surfaces and abstract forms are things my eye pick out most and influence my work.

Playing with layering and the idea of adding and removing