This book is a play with compositions and layering with images of Cliftonville printed onto different papers. The papers play with colour and layering to help play with the collaging of the images and is a response to the quotes we picked out from the poem.
"On Margate sands. I can connect / Nothing with Nothing."
"A heap of broken images"
Currently on show at the Turner Contemporary and another went to the book fair in Barcelona.

I wanted the book to be landscape so when the pages where open it became panoramic. The images are a mixture of photographs,scanned images of my silk screen prints,plays with collaging on acetates and dark room printed photos. Majority of the images are my own and feature images taken by Ella Seccatore. I played with various layouts and based the designs and what images to be placed together by choosing what paper I wanted them to be printed on so they would overlay with each other.
I choose a simple bind for the book as didn't want to over complicate the look and wanted the pages to be easily flattened so the pages overlay easily on each other. I incorporated the thread to become a part of the book and be a fastener for the book, as the book is flimsy.
There isn't any type in the book except for the title and names of me and Ella, as I wanted the book to be an art piece in itself which the audience took control and played with creating there own compositions.