This void was piece which started to be formed from experiences felt when walking through Cliftonville researching. With Cliftonville feeling like a trapped area of uneasiness, the idea of creating an enclosed space which consumed you was the best way to communicate the feeling. Wanted to create a single piece rather than dedicate a whole room to it so the idea of a cube which was suspended from the ceiling so people could easily immerse themselves in and out of.
When thinking about it as a piece to look at, the material was going play an important part in how it worked. The idea of it being semi transparent was a main feature as wanted the audience to feel like they've entered a new space but still in the same place at the same time.
We choose white polyester screen printing mesh for its semi transparent quality (likes windows; able to see in and out, view the audience inside the space), enabling it to capture the films which project onto it and still be able to see through it. The material worked really well in gathering the film, it was able to be picked up on all four sides. What works really well is that the audience are able to immerse and become part of the work as there shadows play on the cube with the projected film. Shadows are mentioned in the poem:
"Your shadow at morning striding behind you
Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you"
The films
We created videos from our images, videos and sound recordings of Cliftonville from the site visits. The videos play with overlapping and disorientating and mixing the sounds we recorded from the TAS-CAM.