There came an opportunity for 3rd year students to take over the Brewery Tap Project Space in Folkestone for 2 weeks. Initially me Sam and Louisa thought we could use this space to experiment in, but with more interest shown form other students, realised this wouldn't be an option.

From realising that the space will be an exhibition space, I stuck to my set of rules with the work needing to respond to the environment. I researched the area, gathering information of surfaces from the town of Folkestone.
A lot of Folkestone facades where tiled. Playing with this idea of tiling and the front of Brewery Tap tiled, this became is shape or material matter to be a main focus.
Thinking of the history of the gallery, with it being a pub, thinking of coasters, same shape and size of tiling. Got me thinking back to my play with Louisa's coasters.
Keeping it simple - not to over complicate with choosing what colours, I kept to the idea of embossing as i am currently playing with embossing for my degree show.
Keeping to the simple shape of the square tile of 9cm, I created repetitive shapes to play with to create compositions on my tiles inspired from the compositions found in my photographs of Folkestone.
In response to the tiling across the road from Lucianos Pizzeria, i choose this shape of 9x9 tiles to be the size of the paper for each individual tile to be embossed into.
I also created a a tile the size of 9x9 tiles, but with the majority of information condensed to the centre to fit along side my embossings.
Realising the embossing show more detail against the light coming from the window. The window frame became a nice frame work for my embossing to suspend from.
Lucianos Pizzaria
floor tile
Thinking of layout
Responding to the environment on the outside, I decided to use the pathway as a route to follow that leads the eye to the suspended embossings.
The bottom tile had to sit at the top of the pathway. The gaps in-between each tile was a tile wide.

Depending on how close you stand to the piece, you can create new compositions with the environment in the background.
Using the floor tile as a marker for the viewer to stand by, so the tiles hits the pathway. The line of the tile sits with the line of the floor boards which the hits the middle line of the pathway. This composition pleased me a lot.
Placement of other peoples works.
I placed one of my stacked tiles/coasters ontop of Sam RSG, playing with the idea of coasters.
I enjoy the composition created from Izzy Smith placing her works next to the switches of similar colours.
The beam acting as a divider for the 2 lines created by Sophies and Jamies work.
My Coasters ontop of Sam RSG
Izzy Smith
Jamie Chantel, Yasmin Hills, Sophie Lou
Video showing the movement of life outside, the background environment is a live event.
Thinking about flooring, with it being a wooden floor, floor works like my tile wasn't standing out. Also got me thinking of layout of room effect the viewers perception, with the drink stall being in walking line of the tile people waste looking down. Has opened my mind up for thinking of layout and how it effect how the audience observe their environment.